How to make lasting changes to your lifestyle

How to make lasting change

Transforming your physique

To transform one's physique, I think we can all agree that a lifestyle change is needed. We're a walking talking manifestation of our daily habits, and if those habits aren't conducive to your health and body composition, then it's safe to say that results are going to be difficult to obtain and even harder to maintain. Which is why our lifestyle – the habits we cultivate and the decisions we make need to be conducive to our goals.  

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Visualise the future you

Take a moment to think about your health, fitness and body composition goals. Then imagine the future you – you in three months, six months, one year, or however long it took you to reach your goals. You're a healthier, stronger and more athletic version of yourself. You're still you and have kept all the lovable elements that make you, you, but with drastically improved health markers. Think about how the future you lives their life. What do they eat? How often do they lift weights and go for walks? Once you have that in your mind and fully envision your future life, I want you to step in their shoes and start living that life from today. That is, of course, If you're not doing so already. You want to reinvent yourself into the new you who exercises regularly and eats well – the you who lives a healthy, active lifestyle. Make it part of your identity!

Reinvent yourself

If you reinvent yourself and make healthy living part of your identity, you'll find obtaining results easier and maintaining them almost effortless. You won't be forcing yourself to eat well – it'll just be what you do. Yes, initially, you will be forcing yourself to live this lifestyle – you'll need to fake it till you make it. But eventually, it'll be habitual – you'll solidify a new lifestyle and become a healthy, stronger, fitter version of yourself. 

Start living your best lift

Step into the shoes of the new you, make it part of your identity and live your best life! And if you’re already living your best life, just keep it up!